Crestwood Employee Center

A Poetic Pick-Me-Up

To celebrate one of the earliest forms of literary and artistic expression, in 1999, the United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established March 21 as World Poetry Day! Poetry dates back to the third millennium, over 5,000 years ago, and has “transcended time and culture to deliver messages of love, war, beauty, and introspection.”1 The evolution of poetry represents a deep reflection of each era of civilization, nodding to pop culture, social norms, and generational ideologies that have shaped humanity.

Over the years, poetry has taken on many forms like Haikus, Ballads, Epics, Sonnets, Elegies, and Odes, and with more than 160 forms, it continues to transform.2 Not only has poetry withstood the test of time, becoming a hallmark of impassioned literature worldwide, its sweeping adoption plays a beneficial role in fostering mental well-being for those who read it, write it, listen to it, and share it. Have you thought about using poetry as a therapeutic practice? Consider some of the benefits of poetry and how it supports mental wellness.

  • Reading poetry minimizes feelings of isolation, provides cathartic relief, and reduces fear, sadness, anger, worry, and fatigue.3
  • Writing poetry increases self-expression, enhances self-regulation, increases self-empathy, and improves memory.3
  • Listening to poetry minimizes depression, increases hope, and improves cognitive function.3
  • Sharing poetry improves emotional awareness, fosters introspection, and attunes individuals to their sense of self.3

Coping Mechanisms

Coping mechanisms are strategies and activities that we use to regain emotional stability when emotional trauma resurfaces in our lives. Coping mechanisms bring us back to emotional equilibrium and play an essential role in emotional resilience and self-care. For some, going on a walk, hitting the gym, or cleaning helps. For others, journaling, cooking, or watching a movie soothes their heart. What are some interests or hobbies that you use as a coping mechanism? Consider some of the following activities that you can add to your WRAP plan or self-care routine:

  1. Draw, paint, sketch
  2. Put on your favorite music playlist
  3. Take a shower or bubble bath
  4. Cook your favorite meal or order food from your favorite restaurant
  5. Watch your favorite movie
  6. Tend to plants or yard work
  7. Listen to an inspirational podcast
  8. Read a book
  9. Cuddle with your pet (if you have any)
  10. Journal or write poetry

Mindfulness Meditation: Spring Cleaning

March 20 marks the first day of spring – a perfect time to do a little spring cleaning, but not only in the way you may think… What if in addition to dusting and decluttering our homes, we also spent a little time sprucing up our mindset and mood? Just like our physical environment, our mental space can get bogged down with clutter and chaos if we don’t regularly take some time to sift through our thoughts and feelings and “toss away” the things that may be negatively impacting our everyday lives.

What are some things that you want to clean out this spring? Below are some ideas to get you thinking, as well as suggestions for what to replace the “clutter” with:

  • Negativity to Optimism
  • Discouragement to Hopefulness
  • Doubt to Confidence
  • Bitterness to Gratefulness
  • Agitation to Calmness
  • Worry to Trust
  • Anxiety to Peace

A little spring cleaning can go a long way in easing our minds and improving our moods. But how do we go about it? It’s all about being intentional. We can recognize when negativity starts building up and take steps to replace that mindset with a more positive one. It’s about being mindful of our thought patterns and retraining our brain to overcome our negativity bias. The more we put it into practice, the easier it becomes to naturally declutter our minds and make space for the good. Happy spring cleaning!

Notable Days in March

March 1 – 31: Women’s History Month
March 1 – 31: Irish American Heritage Month
March 1: Ramadan
March 5: Ash Wednesday
March 7: Employee Appreciation Day
March 8: International Women’s Day
March 9: Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 13 – 14: Purim
March 14: Holi
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day
March 18: World Social Work Day
March 20: First Day of Spring
March 20: International Day of Happiness
March 21: World Poetry Day
March 30 – 31: Eid al-Fitr
March 31: César Chávez Day

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